Technology and the world of work: the real challenge lies in training
Technology has always played a crucial role in the evolution of man: by replacing man in the hardest and most dangerous jobs, it has improved living conditions. Even though the oldest professions, those in which the presence of man is irreplaceable, have never vanished, they have nevertheless undergone transformations. Technology has shaped history and favored the development of man.
Digital evolution is once again bringing humans to a crossroads: will technology help or replace humans? The objective, in fact, is the same as always, that is to guarantee a simpler, more comfortable and safer alternative for human beings.
These changes are evolving at a speed never experienced before and, at the same time, they are opening up new, crucial opportunities. Provided, however, that people are ready both to welcome these innovations and to exploit them in the best possible way.
The idea that digitalisation will lead to the replacement of the human being in favor of the machine is actually a rather limited vision, limited above all to situations where there are strategic errors and deficiencies in the management of employment in the world of work. Sometimes what is actually missing is adequate training, starting from compulsory schools, which makes it impossible for people looking for employment to find the right role to fit into.
In practice, the world of work requires skills and preparation that the training and educational system still seems to struggle to give to new recruits. Furthermore, the tools available to workers already included in the flow still seem to be lacking.
Today, managing technological innovation requires adequate skills. Precisely because many workers may feel unsuitable, the creation of an efficient training system could facilitate a correct technological transition. Knowing the new tools available to the worker, knowing how to exploit them, makes technology a means and change an opportunity, not a threat.
During the Trento Economics Festival, Roberta Cocco, digital transformation expert and professor at Bocconi University, spoke and underlined that the digitalisation of the world of work is one of the challenges of our time, but not something to fear. The transformation is evident: from daily life to the world of work, technology is increasingly present and is completely revolutionizing the reality to which, until a handful of years ago, we were accustomed. To successfully deal with these changes, it is necessary to consider the world of work from a holistic perspective and not manage it in watertight compartments.
Many jobs, the professor reassures, will not disappear completely. Many professions will remain human: doctors, lawyers, accountants, expert craftsmen and workers will continue to exist, but they will have different and more advanced tools at their disposal. The challenge will therefore consist in adapting to these new means.
To keep up with change, it remains essential to invest in training, promote interaction and help people exploit the opportunities offered by technological innovation. The fourth technological revolution requires adequate training and support: these will be the essential tools to ensure professionals are prepared for a rapidly evolving world of work.